The Art of Visual Branding


1. Introduction

“Brand” is one of those words that has so many meanings, it takes a long time to make sense of them. In the context of marketing, “branding” refers to the set of images and signs constituting your company’s visual identity. So for example, if you have a website, you need to think about how you want it to look and feel like from a user’s point-of-view.

This means that you need to consider:

  • How do users see you?
  • What is the vision that the brand serves?
  • Is there a way in which users can engage with your brand in an enjoyable way?

The importance of this point is highlighted by our example above — are more successful because they have a visually branded app (e.g. Slack) which users understand and engage with in a similar way to other calendars apps (e.g. Google Calendar). Without their visually branded app, they would simply be another “Calendar” app with cool features like reminders on the fly and support for multiple calendars (it doesn’t even appear on some people’s phones!), so they are able to get focused on their core value proposition — making scheduling easier for their users — to the exclusion of everything else.

2. Using Visual Branding To Attract Customers

A brand is a story that people tell themselves about your company and its products. Brands tell a story. They create a narrative and they tell it in different ways. The story you choose will have profound implications for how people think about your company and its products, what they believe about them, and how they relate to them. So, let’s talk through some of the different ways that brands function. The first thing to note is that most brands are not products or services at all, but rather stories or events (think of your own personal brand). This is why the key to branding is not the product; it’s the narrative that comes attached to it and the way you communicate it (in other words, your story). By using imaginative language in order to communicate your story effectively you can help people get more out of your products as well as inspire them to buy them! You can use visual branding techniques to make sure that every single person who sees or hears you seems like an expert in your field — this will generate more interest in you (and reinforce the narrative). You can also use visual branding techniques to build trust with customers: by creating clear narratives around your products this way, it becomes much easier for customers who have already bought into the brand (or have even purchased from you before) to trust you again, especially if these are new customers who don’t know much about what you do yet. When creating visual branding for yourself — whether it be for a new product launch or for existing ones — bear in mind these 3 things: 1) Be careful with emotional language! 2) Choose good examples 3) Be careful with imagery! It would be great if we could give everyone free advice on how best to do any given thing — but we can’t (at least not yet!). This list was just meant as a guide on how best to use visual branding techniques when designing one’s own personal brand or the brands of others; other than that there are many resources online on this topic which I strongly suggest checking out if you haven’t already (such as Visual Branding: A User-friendly Guide To Creating Your Own Brand).

3. How The Psychology Of Colors Affects Website Visits

In this post, I look at one of the most frequently asked questions on our website: “How can I get more customers using visual branding?” The reason why it is so often asked is because many users have strong personal preferences for background color and font choice, and they are unable to change it. The problem with this approach is that users don’t really care about that color or font choice until the text gets bigger. To help you solve the problem of getting more customers using visual branding, this post explains how to design an attractive website so that people don’t become confused by your title screen (you shouldn’t be trying to convince people to use your service by making them think it’s a superior alternative).

4. Choosing The Right Visual Branding Colors For Your Business

“The best color for you is the one that represents your organization.” — David Ogilvy

One of the most well-known pieces of writing on visual branding is a famous article by Ogilvy & Mather’s David Ogilvy written in 1949 (after his death). He describes his favorite color as the one that “represents your organization.” This is an incredibly important piece of advice, and it still holds true today. A good color helps convey a company’s identity and culture, makes it clear what it stands for, and drives sales and referrals. We can all probably agree on this point.

When we need to choose a color for our website or logo, we do what Ogilvy recommended: we think about our organization, how our customers will perceive us, and how we want to look. We think about our brand values. We think about what colors represent in the industry — so that when a customer sees them, they will instantly understand whom they are dealing with. This is all pretty straightforward and definitely not rocket science, but unfortunately it can be hard to translate this into simple rules for choosing colors for websites or logos because there are so many factors to consider: a) Colors have moods; it is therefore worth considering how much emotion you want to convey; b) Colors have effects on different people; some people like certain colors more than others; c) Colors have different reactions depending on who they are used to seeing them in front of; d) A lot depends on exposure; e) When choosing a color, you need to keep in mind that people need time to adapt to the new color scheme before they see it everywhere (that means you should change brand colors less frequently); f) In certain situations — such as when someone sees your logo while reading your online landing page — they might see something else first instead (for example: “exactly what I expected! It looks exactly like my company logo! How exciting! I love it! Congratulations! Very cool! Great job!”); g) Some colors might make others uncomfortable (for example: if someone sees orange orange then black black everyone has a strong reaction). So how do we get around all these issues? One way is by using an existing brand palette that someone else has already picked out for us — which should be easy enough since plenty of designers already did so for us when designing our current website

5. Creating A Unique Look With Logos And Color Schemes

In recent years the use of logos has increased dramatically. This trend is only expected to increase in the future, as the need for a distinctive look and feel has become more and more important. If you want to attract customers, you will have to create a unique visual identity that stands out from your competitors and that can easily be remembered. Something I find interesting about this topic is that I’ve never heard someone talk about it before. There are lots of good articles out there on creating strong brand identities, but I’ve never seen anyone actually talk about how to get more customers using visual branding. The topic of visual branding is certainly high on my list of things to blog about for the next few months — so why not put out some details about it?

6. Conclusion

Visual branding is a powerful tool for communicating with customers and maintaining a brand image. It is often a difficult subject to get right, but it is crucial to the success of a business. This is especially true given the amount of attention that many businesses spend on product development and marketing, but neglect to devote any serious time to the creation of their brand identity or logo style.

If you’d like to discuss more on this topic, or need help with branding your business, you can reach out and I’d love to help you. You can visit my website or send me an email at



Alex Hylton | Marketing and Branding Specialist

Alex Hylton, Owner of HY Design, LLC in Canton, Ohio shares his journey of becoming an entrepreneur. Sharing the tactics used to become successful.